Short Stories and Me

Short Stories and Me
I think I found myself here...

Sunday, May 15, 2011



Every day we all face demons of one kind or another. The manner in which we face them and live our lives is I think, a determining factor on the outcome. Of course the outcome isn't always the most important factor, traveling forward is the path to wisdom. Having the ability to go forward in times of stress and trouble in a way that embraces life for the moment, rather than watching it pass by is our gift. We can watch life, as if through a looking glass contained in a tiny little circle, or we can open our arms and minds to the broader scene in front of us. Sometimes, if we stand very still and listen, a voice will whisper in our ear. Ever so sweetly, calming us with melodic sounds, the voice telling us to listen and hear it's message. A message that may not be clear for awhile, but if we continue to listen and want to hear, will make clear the message trying to reach us, sending us along the path we are meant to take while holding our hand.

Opening up our hearts and minds and embracing the life we have been loaned for a little while, can lead us to miraculous things. Perhaps not big things, but important things. I believe we are led to every place we visit. I say visit, because we are only given a short period of time to complete the task we have been given, the task of loving and living life. We are all just visiting in the time that we have been loaned. There are those wiling to hear every nuance of the day, allowing it to show them the way. There are also those that run so fast to get to the next place, the whisper is washed away in the wind, floating toward something else, and perhaps landing on another ear. An ear that is listening, for the quiet sounds of guidance and help, to find the path of least resistance or the road to better things to come.

We all need a little help from time to time, knowing when and how to reach for it is the hard part. For some of us the timing of life seems to be somewhat bent, not quite reaching out in a straight line, making us question. Striving to straighten the line that bends us just out of reach of our goals can be defeating for some, for others it gives them the strength to reach just a little bit more... grasping all that they can hold onto. Strength and faith are the bonds that hold us up and keep us going when we want to rest and bend for a bit. Doubt and pity are the chains that keep us tied down without the strength to fight. Chaining ourselves to self pity shortens the life we have borrowed, and we have to give it back and let go, before we have taken the chance to live it to the fullest.

Taking a chance isn't leaping off a bridge to see if you can fly...only to find in mid air... that it wasn't possible. Possibilities are within our grasp all the time, right in front of us, when we listen to the whispers. Life can hit us in the gut and make us feel as though we can't take another step..but we can, by reaching.. and listening. Moving into the struggle and owning it gives us the endurance to listen again.. and again. Step by step we can find the way, it may not find us all at once so we have to be open to the sounds... Finding wisdom along the way to keep with us as we travel the path and to share with others, is the quiet gift we receive. Reaching out to others with a hand when needed is a gift as well. Giving back to us without asking for anything is the whisper we hear.

Listening is the key to finding the way to the strength we have within and allowing it to help guide us forward, gently lending a us moment..of strength. 

Our hearts aren't made of steel or rock and they break as if shattering glass had been placed in our chests sometimes in this life we must meet everyday. Picking up all the pieces and gathering them to us to be put back together isn't easy or quick. Somehow, we've been given the magical glue to hold it together again.. within ourselves. Time isn't always on our side, so we need to be sure that we waste as little as possible. Wishing that we had tried to do something, but waiting too long is a wasted thought. Do it! Go for it. Now, not might be too late.

"I wish it would rain and give my flowers water." Go get a hose! I wish I were taller and could reach the top shelf." Go get a ladder!"I wish I could fly..." Get over it! 

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